Larch - Eastern (Tamarack)
A very hardy, moderately slow growing native species that sheds its needles each fall. Grows 50-70 ft. It is the territorial tree of the Northwest Territories
Larch - Eastern
Larch - Eastern
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Botanical (latin) name: Larix lariciana
Zone 1a
Height 50ft (15m) Spread 20ft (6m)
Summer Needles - light green Fall leaf colour - yellow
Cones- oblong 1cm (0.5in) Bark - reddish brown scaly
Blossoms - none Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright pyramidal Placement - full sun, moist or swampy
Why would you want this tree? Centre row in a shelterbelt

The Eastern Larch (Tamarack) is conifer tree that loses its needles each year in the fall. Although it is often associated with cold, wet poorly drained peat bogs, it can also grow remarkably well on light, moist, well-drained soils as well as long as full light conditions are available. The needles are soft, slender, flexible and are a light green colour that makes them an excellent contrast tree planted on the south side of dark coloured trees such as the balsam fir or the white spruce.

The wood is hard, heavy, often dark amber or red in colour as a result of tannins contained in the wood. Tamarack makes excellent firewood with a caloric content of approximate 28 million BTU per cord is almost double that of spruce. The tannins contained in the wood act as a natural preservative making the wood excellent for outdoor use including fence posts, decking and watercraft.

This tree has the most beautiful fall colors, ranging from a vibrant chartreuse to a stunning yellowish-burnt orange. The eastern larch is also very popular as a Bonsai tree.

Fall Tamarack Colors
Fall Tamarack Colors

Price last updated on Jan 08, 2014 Listing of Conifers

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