Easy to grow bright yellow pea flowers, drought tolerant great in a shelterbelt or property line. Grows 10-15 ft Available in gallon pots only.
Caragana (Common)
Caragana (Common)
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Botanical (latin) name: Caragana arborescens
Zone 2

An ideal shelter belt or hedge plant especially when positioned in front of a line of spruce trees. The light colored caragana leaves in front of the dark coloured spruce needles is absolutely spectacular and the spruce needle litter won't kill the caragana.
The long narrow seed pods appear after flowers in the spring. Many birds make their homes in caragana shrubs, pheasants in particular.
Caraganas are undoubtedly one of the nardiest tolerant shrubs on the market.

Price last updated on Apr 09, 2012 Listing of Hedge_Plants

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