Ash - Manchurian
Wide spreading with exotic shaped leaves and early fall colour Grows 30-45 ft.
Ash (Manchurian)
Ash (Manchurian)
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Botanical (latin) name: Fraxinus mandshurica 'Mancana'
Zone 3
Height 40 ft (12m) Spread 30ft (9m)
Summer leaf color - green Fall leaf colour - Yellow
Seeds have wings Bark - Grey Furrowed
Blossoms - Innocuous Fragrance - None
Habit - Upright spreading Placement - full sun, moist
Why would you want this tree? Excellent shade or boulevard tree

As the name suggests, this tree is native to Asia but can now be found in many parts of Europe, Canada and the United States.

The Manchurian Ash is much more wide spreading that either the black or the green ash so it looks almost round in form. It dense lacy foliage and oval canopy makes this a very attractive tree. It is highly tolerant of urban pollutants and thus makes the Manchurian Ash suitable for inner city or industrial locations. Like all varieties of ash trees, the Manchurian Ash is extremely tolerant to water-logged soil conditions and are used extensively as a dual purpose for erosion control and a wind shelter belt along roads, ditches and other water courses.

The shallow wide spreading root system makes them relatively wind firm, and they grow best in locations that receive full sun and a minimum of 50cm (22 inches) of rainfall a year.

Since the Manchurian Ash is one of the earliest trees to change leaf color in the fall, it can be alternated with other ash trees such as the fall gold to extend the bright fall colours.

Price last updated on Jan 06, 2014 Listing of Ornamental_Trees

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